Thursday, May 22, 2008

What a weekend!

I realize that it's almost the weekend, but I haven't posted about last weekend yet.

It started a week ago. My in-laws were in town Thursday morning and spent the day with Malachi and me. That afternoon his co-workers kicked him out after his graduation party with cookie cake and told him to have a good weekend. Friday morning my dad and sister took off from Minneapolis and they made it to our house a little before 1:00. I was so excited to have them at our house!

Graudation started at 3:00 and it was only 75 minutes long. This ceremony was only for the Adult Education students, so there weren't that many. I was so proud to see my husband get his degree. I'm sure I cried like five times throughout the ceremony.

My father-in-law had to leave right after John walked, but his wife and my dad and sister and I went to dinner after the ceremony. We had a really nice time. Shortly after we got home dad, Steph, John and I went to Trinity Hall, an Irish Pub we love going to. Some of our friends joined us there and we ate, drank and were merry in celebration of John graduating.

Saturday we went to the zoo! Malachi loves the zoo and we haven't been but once in the last couple of months. I'm sure he was having withdrawls :)

My mother-in-law had to leave Saturday afternoon, but my sister and dad stayed until Sunday afternoon. We had a good time with them Saturday night and they got to visit our church on Sunday morning.

It was a great weekend, and I was really tired after all of it!

Monday was Malachi's appointment at the Pediatrician about the no weight gain. As it turns out he'd gained three pounds in the six months. Either our scale is off, or he gained it all in the last couple of weeks because so many people have been praying for him. Either one of those choices would make sense and be as likely as the other :)

He'd also grown 1/2 an inch. That I expected, I'd seen it happen.

We're gearing up for an awesome weekend here are our plans:

Sunday: Church, graduation party for John thrown by leaders of our bible study at church

I think Saturday looks great!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

So glad that Mali is OK. I am praying that you will have the wisdom to know what to be feeding him so that he gets the nutrition that he needs to do all of that growing and developing.