Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

That's heard me. Today we're celebrating Valentines Day. We decided last year that Feb. 14th was too expensive, the restaurants too crowded, and the day just was not very meaningfull. March 14th however, is less expensive, less crowded, and actually means something to us. It's the anniversary of when John got on bended knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. Yep, 8 years ago tomorrow he proposed. It's crazy for me to think that it's been that long. Wow!

My in-laws are coming down today (in face they've already landed and are probably on the way to get their rental car) and my mother-in-law is going to stay with us tonight so we can have free babysitting, yay! Thanks so much Mickey!

We have a 6 o'clock reservation at Reikyu Sushi & Bar. We've been doing Sushi a lot lately. We're into the rolls of course, I'm not bold enough to go for the big raw stuff. I did have a roll in Austin that had spicy tuna on top though and that was pretty good. Then we're going to the Pocket Sandwich Theatre to see Rumors by Neil Simon. I'm pretty excited about the date over all.

I haven't gotten him a present. I don't know if he got me one. I hope not.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hope you have a great time on your special night. ;)