Monday, August 27, 2007

One week!

Only one week until China! Malachi got a hair cut today and looks great! I got my eyebrows done and they're stinging :) I haven't done that in way too long, but they look great. I spent less than I thought I would have too and they look better than I expected, so I guess I got great value :)

I've finalized Malachi's packing list and I guess I can start working on packing his things that he wont need this week. I've not finalized our list yet, but will do that today and start packing things that we wont be needing.

This is so exciting I can't believe that a week from this moment I'll be traveling to China...CHINA!

I think something awesome just happened. I think Malachi just asked me what I was doing. Of course it was in half real language and half Malachi language, known only to me and John. But still it was great.

He's doing so well developmentally. He's putting together his own sentences. The other day he grabbed my purse then came to me and said "I got purse!" This morning he said "I sit," after sitting on the stairs outside. He's such a smart little boy.

It really is amazing to watch him grow and develop. It gives me a new appreciation for what God has done/is doing to create people. They're so complex and intelligent, I don't understand how people can think we developed from Gorillas.

I guess I should put laundry away and feed my son lunch. I'm sure I'll write once more before I leave.

Have a great week everyone!

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