Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We interrupt...

the very important work project to give you this post.

I'm working on something really important at work, so of course I can't concentrate on it. I'll be honest, the project is scaring the crap out of me. I'm writing the speech for the Ambassador for our Hail & Farewell party (a yearly event welcoming newcomers and sending away departing employees with love). A lot of people think it's not a big deal, and they're probably right. She's going to take what I write, chew it up, and spit it out anyway, but good lord! Some people know I'm writing this, and I don't want it to just be adequate. I want it to be amazing. I want her to have to not chew it up and spit it out.

I don't know where this drive (to have a great product - not so much to do it quickly) came from. This is not how I was in High School, or the two years I spent in Bible college. I think John might be an influence though. It's a bit encouraging and scary for when I start school because I know that I'll want to hand in great quality work, but it will probably take me a long time to do it!

The good thing about this project is that the people I've been asking for help have been very helpful today. Thank you people!!

Baby update: Friday I'll be 34 weeks along which means I'm 3 weeks and 2 days from being full term - yikes! The bassinet is set up in our room, and the crib is ready in the nursury. The only necessary tasks we have left to do are buy diapers, wash his clothes, and pack the hospital bag. Wow...


Nomads By Nature said...

How exciting - both on the writing task (how tempting for giggles to go for a roast style farewell!) and the preg status! Hope you are taking the time to enjoy both and not just be busy with a million thoughts and tasks.

Noble Glomads said...

I am not a diplomat, but a spouse od f one and I was asked to make a speach at the Thanksgiving feast we prepared for the FSNs at post. Easy right? I jotted a few things down in my own sort of shorthand and got ready. Then, someone grabbed it out of my hand and handed it to the Ambassador to read and he was like "this is really poorly written, butchered the English language, doesn't make sense". Horrified! Duh, it was meant for me who knew exactly what it was supposed to say. Luckily, nobody died or got fired and we laughed about it later. Well, I laughed.