Sunday, May 6, 2012

My First Home Leave

So far we've...

Eaten at:

Jimmy John's
Krispy Kreme (twice)
Mama's Daughter's Diner
Hard Eight
Quick Thai Bistro
Papa Murphy's a.k.a Cafe Moore's
Cafe Dunham's

and some insignificant places.

We've seen lots of friends, a few family members, and missed out on some sick family members. We've driven almost 2,000 in our brand new Mazda CX-9.

It's been fun, and it's been exhausting. Being stuck in a small room with all three kids is a challenge. We've said good bye to the littles, and prepared for my and Malachi's first trip to Disney and we take off early tomorrow for that.

I don't know how people keep up with blogs during home leave! It seems like an impossibility at this point.


S said...

We ate at Mama's Daughter's as was delicious!

Glad you're eating well!

Sara said...

It wasn't as good as it was two years ago. But we started making our own gravy at home, and that might have ruined their gravy for me because I think it's from a package. It was sentimental though, and the kids liked the food.