Monday, December 8, 2008

Congratulations John!

John got an email from the Department of State today saying he passed the QEP (Qualifications Evaluation Panel) and is one step closer to being a Foreign Service Officer for the DoS. Before you ask I'll tell you the next step.

He needs to go to D.C. sometime early next year for a day of interviews and testing. He'll be put into a group and they will be given a situation and have 30 minutes to make a proposal on how to address the situation. I believe he'll also do this on his own, also the interviews. I'm so proud of how far he's made it and everyone I've told so far (which is probably everyone who reads this) has been very proud. I have full confidence in his abilities to "knock 'em dead" in D.C.

Good job baby!

Oh btw, we were at a church Christmas Party last night and we both performed with groups so I'll let y'all know when the videos are on YouTube.


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