Thursday, August 30, 2007

Things that I always wanted in a job

- Flexible hours
- High pay
- High level of activity
- Easy to work with coworkers
- Be my own boss

- Flexible hours - I get to nap in the middle of the day sometimes!
- High pay - well, no I don't get paid - but I do get other rewards and benefits.
- High level of activity - It doesn't show around my waist but I am pretty active with him, and now he's starting to run!
- Easy to work with coworkers - He's almost two so it's becoming a little harder, but I'm not worried about the terrible two's.
- Be my own boss - done and done!

I'd say that 4 out of 5 isn't too bad.

We're leaving in about four days. I'm so excited about it! While we're gone keep an eye out for a blog entry to let y'all know that we're doing well and having a great time.


Anonymous said...

How are you feeling today? I know I could have emailed this, but it's always fun to have comments. :)

Anonymous said...

Great Job to have!!! I hope I get to enter your career field soon! I tell you, some times its so difficult to break into the field! I feel I've got a pretty good resume built though with lots of hands on experience!!! =)